January 23, 2019

PrepareForChange.Net ~ Prepare For The Event, Resistance Movement (RM), Cobra, Full Disclosure, Victory Of The Light!


https://prepareforchange.net https://prepareforchange.net is one of the most powerful internet platforms who are actually bringing true change to our mother Earth here in the now & at this very moment in time, it is truly amazing what is taking place here in this site and as a cause in the real world! a spring of true changeability!

They aim to connect every and all like-minded people wanting to bring upon real true change to an ever-impending world full of unforeseen circumstances which befall us all. In the mist of all that cloud Prepareforchange.net is unto the world a safe haven for those seeking the truth about this planet’s history and who we really are, and those individuals who are partaking in one way or another in the Planetary liberation culminating in the Event which is a series of events bringing on planetary liberation in the form of reform of Government, Society, Culture ushering in a new ear of peace for all of Gaia's children and our mother Earth, this will truly and most certainly be the end of all sickness, end to famine, the end of all unnecessary suffrage in all its forms we will see an end of darkness, this will come to pass as was foretold from time unmemorable, the moment of, “The Compression Break-through" meaning in the event of a total coronal mass that is to occur in our Sun’s Central Galaxy. This Galactic Pulse will go through-out the entire universe and all our surrounding galaxies will be witness to its immanent presence in the form of solar flashes. These Rays will expel all darkness throughout our universe, all negativity & negativity alike will be no more, there will be no more lies, all will be truly whole again, there will be nothing that will be under the cover of all its brilliant luminescent everlasting light purging the Earth and all neighboring galaxies of all evil and dark-forces forever.

That is one of the missions which this wonderful .net and N.P.O as well as a charitable organization prepares Earth citizens by making them more aware of this series of events that is to occur in the very near future, we see this happening in the now – when you may ask ? my guess is … no later than the year of 2025 or 2030 therein immanent Paradise for Earth, but this is just my honest opinion & believe.

Also as a matter of fact, Prepareforchange.net runs an Orphanage in Malawi Africa, it is why I invite you to donate to this charitable organization that they are under California law, accordingly they use this None For Profit to fund an Orphanage in Africa bringing refuge and aid, food and water, as well as school provisions for the many children left orphaned due to Africa’s tumultuous endless war time leaving many without home, family, or hope, Prepareforchange.net along with the Orphanage they run are bringing hope to those young children left Orphan as a consequence of the sheer terror afflicting the country at this very moment, all your donations go a long way! in their own words, they thank you from the bottom of their hearts as stated in every single one of their monthly interviews they host, which all can be found on their main page as well as on YouTube.com. Just type on the YT search engine, Prepareforchange.net monthly interview and the date you wish to see and you’ll have a countless number of Interviews mostly hosted by the TheGoldFishReport’s channel found on YouTube.com Hosted by the wonderful Luisa, who together with the panel of guest all bring forth a wonderful Update and Internet Radio Podcast shown every single month free of charge to the public, to which I appreciate.

PrepareForChange.net’s main page is a treasury & wealth of information which covers amply a multitude of topics, there is so much information that is useful for everyone. There is so much to cover here it would be impossible for me to cover all the topics in order to give them justice. This is why I invite you to take a look for yourself! and see if you are not amazed at the huge amount of useful information, articles, Books and documents which was how I was drawn to this great discussion of the condition of man and our relationship to our Mother Earths.

https://www.welovemassmeditation@blogspot.com along with PrepareForChange.net host a plethora of Meditative endeavors, there is always meditation taking place in this mother board of synchronized meditations hosted by PrepareForChage.net Also the overall theme here is promoting love becoming aware and awake from the mass deception hiding in plain sight, personally I have become more aware and more educated in the past two years thanks to this great organization & collaboration of people working together as one.

I have been collaborating with https://prepareforchange.net for a little over two years and it is with a happy soul I say that in this short time I have seen great change occur far and wide. The mission of PrepareForChange.net is my very own. I state this because of the fact that soon after joining https://prepareforchange.net in the summer of 2016, I became aware of two Orphanages in Uganda Africa that were in need of help in the form of food, water, shelter, and provisions for schooling the corresponding Orphanage’s children and staff. I am most overjoyed to say The Great Organization that https://prepareforchange.net is has motivated me to help those in need and indeed I have helped & will continue to help those who are in need as https://prepareforchange.net has inspired me to such a momentous task I welcome as well as execute to the best of my abilities within my own economical limitations.
By Jairo Bonilla Quintero Author Name Meshekatlan@Wordpress.com & https://mesheekatlan.blogspot.com/


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