January 16th 2019 an into for all YT users

                             HOW TO USE YOUTUBE 101

Day 1. Of course

Tech: Jairo Bonilla YouTube Instructor

* How to Navigate The YouTube Browser?
* How to affect advance searches in YouTube Browser?
* What is YouTube.com?  
* Who and when was this software created & what is it’s purpose?
*How to customize your home page for business or personal use in the YouTube Home Page.
* Students will know the answers to these questions listed above & More after completing this basic introduction to the above Software Application.
* Students will learn to use the many different YouTube tools which are available in the YouTube main page Ie. The inner workings of all the main Tools options imbedded into the YouTube software & their functionality.
* Students will gain a basic to advanced user experience.
* Students will learn to integrate many different functions within the use of YouTube.
*Students will learn to interchangeably incorporate many different Software Applications with YouTube
The following is a list of the number of Software Applications that students will learn to use alongside Youtube.com
Adobe Photoshop – Giphycreator.com – Action Director Application Software for Video Editing – Microsoft Expression Encoder 4. These Software Applications are easy to use when incorporating YouTube.
* Students will be shown how to start & launch a YouTube account from start to finish.
*Students will learn how to make a promotional video of their YouTube Channel
*Students will learn any abbreviations that are use within and outside the YouTube Software Application.
Day 2
* Students will learn to 1.edit 2.record 3.properly post to YouTube by creating a YouTube video in their personal account where by the video is a proper & non-offensive video viewable for the entire YouTube community.
* Students will learn the Guide Lines to the YouTube.com Community as the Rules & Guide Lines Vary According to Each Corresponding Social network.
* Student will learn and become very familiar with all the YouTube Community guidelines so as to never be flagged or remanded by the YouTube.com Software, which in my experience of more than 10 years of using this Software for Videos content sharing could attest that the Guidelines are extreme and very strict.


When using this excellent software for video sharing content one must remember ultimately that this is a community & like in every community there are things that you may not agree with however, just like in the real world we do not agree with everything we see.

It is wiser then if you see something you do not agree with or dislike, you can still remember to be nice and courteous and simply ignore that video if you do not like then do not concentrate on it - you can always change the channel here, and remember now with a YouTube Account you are a Channel one should never use their channel to bring negativity on another channel, you’ll certainly be singled out by the Software itself, flagged & punished as a consequence and even removed by having your channel terminated if you or your Youtube.com channel have been deemed a person who is harassing another channel. Let us have fun with this software in our newly created channel and go out there and create some fantastic videos for all to enjoy.

Day 3

YouTube.com has many uses and is not just a Social Video Sharing Platform, you might be surprised to know that every single major Television Network Channel has a YouTube.com channel, why is that? because it’s free & also this means that this software application can be used for business and promotional purposes, which means with this much versatility a person using this wonderful software could potentially make a living just by posting YouTube.com videos tailored to whatever content their audience enjoys. The students will have these options available for them to take their YouTube account & channel in the direction they so wish.

 Also if you are not a video posting kind of person but still want to use YouYube.com you’ll be amazed to know that Youtube.com is a wonderful outlet for storing encyclopedic Videos Documentations series of all kinds both professional and at an amateur level, all of which are available as well as viewable free of charge in YouTube.com. You just have to know the correct command keys to access whatever you are searching & when searching anything it is all in the phraseology  when performing a serch.  After taking this class you as well will know the commands.

 The student partaking in this course by the end can expect to have gained a very intricate and detailed amount of knowledge constituting the inner workings of the YouTube.com software application which will not include the Premium YouTube.com version as all of this will be taught within the free options to a user in YouTube.com. In-depth skills will be gained which are transferable skills that could be applicable in other video software applications in general after completing this three day course-By Tech Jairo Bonilla Quintero Authored Name mesheekatlan@blogspot.com


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