12-31-19 Check out my new YouTube.com Videos featuring music i play at first hearing Internet Radio

😁Friends! thank you for viewing my Blog here at Blogger for blogspot.com, this year I will try and become more sophisticated in my blog post for TruthEarth.net & my Authored Blog mesheekatlan@blogspot.com as well as my collaboration with the fantastic 
PrepareForChange.net  network they are & as the Promoter, feel free to like and share.

Music, is my life, so is Photography, you know how they say, "A picture tells a thousand words."  Imagine how many more words there is in Video content, it must be millions of words! thoughts emotions boiled together to form the moment to moment captured and thus life.  Here in these YouTube.com videos i often create while trying join both worlds, music-making to the background of my own  Photography for your viewing delight i give you my Videos to enjoy and at the same time I am documenting my own life simultaneously and inadvertently.  

I incorporate various applications to create these Videos, like Giphy-Creator, the browser found on line, Powerdirector for editing videos.  Also I am big on Adobe Photoshop as it is my profession as well as Musician as a Pianist and so I will from time to time incorporate all of these aspects of myself into a video, for example in one song I am capable of playing up to three of four instruments mimicking the song with different instruments, like Piano Flute, & other Wind Instrument, Guitar, even accompaniment with Drums, I do it all I am the Human Orchestral. 

I also use this platform and other Internet Spaces and or Social Sites to bring awareness to the suffrage in the form of hunger and homelessness that afflicts Africa, I promote two Orphanages in Uganda Africa Kampala where we count with more than 850 children who many of them became Orphaned as a cause of Africa's growing  wars and lack of financial resources, if you wish to help them with financial contributions feel free to contact me by Email at Jayom88@gmail.com and if you don't that is fine i will continue to do my part in this confused world of unnecessary suffrage.
Humanitarian / Author Jairo Bonilla Quintero












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