This in from my friend Ana Maria Carvalho - join our Meditation efforts

World Transformation Meditation invitation:

This auspicious Friday, we have a combination of a total lunar eclipse and a full blood moon (between 2 partial solar eclipses 2 weeks before and after!) which gives us an unique opportunity to amplify our world with an “over-unity” healthy dose of Light and healing! ♥

This is also the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century.  The overall eclipse will last for four hours, while the totality will last for approximately 103 minutes.  We will be doing two main meditations and an optional one, the first one at the beginning of the total lunar eclipse at 7:30pm UTC / 3:30pm EDT.

** Lunar Eclipse Ascension Meditation ** at 7:30pm UTC / 3:30pm EDT (which is at the beginning of the lunar eclipse) - Length of meditation: 25 min

*** Lunar Eclipse Meditation *** at 8:21pm UTC / 4:21 pm EDT - Length of meditation: 13:08 min

Afterwards, you can also do the following:

* Meditation for Inner Marriage * (right after the Lunar Eclipse Meditation) - Length of meditation: 9:50 min

FOR MORE INFORMATION of pertinence and specificity, on the times in your location, the astrological importance, the divine masculine focus on this special day, different language audios and scripts of the meditations please enjoy the following read:

:) <3 :) You can also join us at our <3 The Meditations-on-the-GO Platform <3 where we infuse light and love into any discord where these meditations will be hosted automatically in the * Meditation Special Audio Room * Do join others around the world participating in these very special meditations, or do your own thing to infuse the world with more light and love at this very special time!

If you live in the Toronto area you can join us here at High Park at 3pm EDT before the start of the first meditation at 3:30pm EDT.
For more information please check out our website:
“I AM Temple”: or on

V I C T O R Y   O F   T H E   L I G H T !!! :) <3 :)


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