Jairo H Bonilla Quintero Author & Promoter
406 E 119th street Apt 1W
New York NY 10035
646 552 1063
Honorable Mayor, Bill De Blasio
Request of Charity
I am sure that you must be aware of the growing amount of
children left orphan after tragically losing their mother or father to the
overwhelming poverty striking the State of Uganda in the nation of Africa,
hunger, poverty, disease sadly leaves many young children without a care
taker. I know of at least 635 children
that are being taken care of and are not suffering this tragedy thanks to the efforts
of myself my wife and the two Orphanages, which at the moment, we are both in
direct contact with them as well as providing them with help in the form of
funding them. With the little that we
have managed to send has helped them all in such a tremendous way and has
really changed their lives.
I may add that I am
not rich and live very reduced in expenses as I must take care along with my
wife three children the same ages as the Orphans which we philanthropically care
for, all my children are under age and do attend school and they perform at the
top of their classes.
So it is then that as a parent, who sees children suffering
it is an instinct to help in whatever way possible.
I have seen the
pictures of them receiving this help I have been shown the children in new
clothing and ready for school with school supplies and all and for the last two
month I have had many “thanks,” from these two men Issa Magulu with 35 children
in his Orphanage and David Mukasas's Orphanage with 500 children in his
corresponding Orphanage
We are writing this letter to ask for your consideration of
our request towards raising public awareness to Orphanages of Uganda Kampala
Africa, which I am in contact with the Presidents or Creators of these
Orphanages both located in Uganda and I am in direct support as well as
providing them with Aid Food Water in the form of funding.
Would you be able to help them in the same way that I have
helped their Orphanage? And would you be able to show me which are the agencies
that can help from the U.S.A?
Can you point them out to me Email them to me or phone me
about this question
I would really appreciate your help in this as a
humanitarian, I ask?
In conclusion, I would like to add in and copy in an example
of the one of the conversation I had with David Mukasa as I send him $20 and he
was eternally grateful, because with that he is able to send some of his
children to school.
Jairo H Bonilla June 29,2018
I am a Humanitarian Author Promoter Meditator Musician and
Instrumentalist Photographer/digital photographer. Also I am a Teacher of Music, of the Arts In
General, Photoshop instructor/Computer and Technician/programmer Web-developer
& versatile in Windows OS as well as Macintosh OSX computing operating
These are the images of David Mukasas’s Orphanage in Uganda
Africa taken approx 6/15/2018, Mr. David, president of his Orphanage In Uganda
Africa, here he is shown distributing the children’s school material as well as
preparing them for school and all their scholastically endeavors life may bless
them with.
Funded by Author Promoter And Humanitarian Jairo Bonilla

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