HERE IS A PREVIEW TO: July 23th 2018   By Jairo Bonilla Quintero Author

           At this very moment scientific developments are already in the works, prolonging life naturally is not a thing of the distant future, these rare technologies are being developed in the now! Even as I sit here and write, some of this natural medicine is already being put to good use and soon everyone meaning the general public will all have access to these kinds of medical advancements and other beneficial suppressed technology that is being deliberately hidden from the masses hidden in plain-view. However, some of us are born with telescopes and microscopes for eyes, metaphorically speaking and such is the case with Emery and Benjamin in that they see the whole scope of things and strive for what is beneficial to the whole group and not only for the self.          
         People like Emery Smith and Benjamin Fulford along with many other insiders who actually come from very different worlds as Emery Smith, is now a well known Super-Soldier also advocate for the releasing of suppressed technologies, he is a one of a kind insider who can actually develop these technologies thus then, dramatically helping life here on Earth & revert planet Earth’s original state of being, which is one of; peace, longevity, tranquility, abundance of all kind, no more suffering no more pain and sorrow can you envision it a world without evil, with-out famine and a new humanity a disease-free people of Earth and its inhabitants.   Retrospectively, I ask, is this not what we all want, in the collective?  Emery Smith is striving for accomplishing just that! Which is to say go to type in ( Interview / Classified Scientist Emery Smith – Deep Underground Bases & Examining ET Bodies ) Or here I have enclosed a link just click and think of the possibilities.
(Here is a link, this is an interview of this gentlemen don’t take my words for it see it for yourself click the link and share)  
“A disease free humanity with abundance of food and water,”
An abundance of all kind, Which is to say, a positive change for all of humanity is to be manifested here in Mother Gaya Mother Earth very soon.  Emery, with a science background has performed hundreds of autopsies on alien recovered specimens’ as well as interacted with high-ranking alien personnel who helped develop many of the modern-tech we operate today and his team can lead the way in the first ever initiative of taking us in to a class 3 civilization capable of interstellar star travel and capable of zero point energy.  
         Upon receiving replicators’ Advance-Technology-Cleansing Machines, there will be no use for money all our seas and oceans will be cleansed, leaving everyone with clean water. We all will have more than enough for good living conditions and comfortable life style without the need for paying countless bills and living in home’s will never own due to high mortgages and cars which pollute the environments and airs we breathe.
         When replication technology is common place, we will all have all the abundance of our all of our hearts desire, it is only a matter of accomplishing this and demanding our world govt. to release these suppressed technologies, which can greatly benefit Man-kind and all of the Earth’s inhabitants by ending Gas and petroleum based fuels and replacing it with free energy devices no bigger than the size of a common home computer.  
          Benjamin Fulford, a former CEO to Forbes Magazine and a well known Journalist who is currently actively fighting for the liberation of suppressed tech throughout the Governments Of The World.  It is because of men like these who have brought us the masses, the truth for all to see the reality of the powers that be, they who have negatively manipulated as well as negatively altered life for millions of people of Earth in such sick and seditious ways, thus there needs to be an end to this senseless suffering.        
    On the flip side, thanks to the work of so many countless others including these two men, perhaps our next generation will live a better life than the current citizens of the Earth currently live today.  These are the modern Robin-hood and Superman of our times, true Hero’s hearts who seek out the greater good to affect the greater consciousness of Humanity and to seek what is better for the whole and not for the self but for the greater good that is a Hero, that is a True Act Of Valor.
      Thanks to these two men & woman who volunteer at as they lead the way of the new age for Renaissance is here a true change is at our door step knocking awaiting for the public’s response how would you answer the door with deaf ears or with great welcoming and hospitality inviting in marvels we could only until very little while ago only dream up in movies and in fairy-tails of magic beyond human reach.  We need not to wait any longer, that time of huge change is here all we must do is come together and demand suppressed technologies be fully implemented to alleviate human suffering and take us to our most optimal reality.    
By Jairo Bonilla Quintero Author Named 


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