Musica Christiana Piano By Jairo Bonilla Quiero llenar tu trono de Alava...

The memories associated with these many songs i remember singing and subsequently learned to play  these songs on Piano & KeyBoard i have not forgotten how to play this one in particular actually modulates into  four different keys, the song is only 3 minutes roughly and ever 35 second it indeed modulate first staring at the Key of C # Minor which is also  E # Major then the second change of key is in D minor then C# Major then finally finishing in the Eternal key of D which by the way are the two magical Keys which researchers in the study of Harmonics and Sound Healing and any General Sound- Engineer of Music in any field all know this as well as Dr. in the field of Science, Musicians, Engineers, Sound healers and Experts, all officionatos  alike are all of the understanding that the Key of D Major And C Sharp are among the two most High  frequency emitting sounds frequencies is in these Two Magical Keys Humans Resonate most Harmonious with.


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