
Showing posts from July, 2018

Musica Christiana Piano By Jairo Bonilla Quiero llenar tu trono de Alava...

The memories associated with these many songs i remember singing and subsequently learned to play  these songs on Piano & KeyBoard i have not forgotten how to play this one in particular actually modulates into  four different keys, the song is only 3 minutes roughly and ever 35 second it indeed modulate first staring at the Key of C # Minor which is also  E # Major then the second change of key is in D minor then C# Major then finally finishing in the Eternal key of D which by the way are the two magical Keys which researchers in the study of Harmonics and Sound Healing and any General Sound- Engineer of Music in any field all know this as well as Dr. in the field of Science, Musicians, Engineers, Sound healers and Experts, all officionatos  alike are all of the understanding that the Key of D Major And C Sharp are among the two most High  frequency emitting sounds frequencies is in these Two Magical Keys Humans Resonate most Harmonious with.

This in from my friend Ana Maria Carvalho - join our Meditation efforts

World Transformation Meditation invitation: This auspicious Friday, we have a combination of a total lunar eclipse and a full blood moon (between 2 partial solar eclipses 2 weeks before and after!) which gives us an unique opportunity to amplify our world with an “over-unity” healthy dose of Light and healing! ♥ This is also the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century.  The overall eclipse will last for four hours, while the totality will last for approximately 103 minutes.  We will be doing two main meditations and an optional one, the first one at the beginning of the total lunar eclipse at 7:30pm UTC / 3:30pm EDT. ** Lunar Eclipse Ascension Meditation ** at 7:30pm UTC / 3:30pm EDT (which is at the beginning of the lunar eclipse) - Length of meditation: 25 min *** Lunar Eclipse Meditation *** at 8:21pm UTC / 4:21 pm EDT - Length of meditation: 13:08 min Afte...

Activism Against 5G In Europe Sets Examples For Others To Follow July 22, 2018   by  Edward Morgan Share Tweet Signup Technology,  especially microwave-produced radiofrequencies that will operate in the  millimeter wave ranges — possibly above 6 GHz  (Gigahertz: one GHz is one BILLION frequency oscillations per SECOND), experiences serious consumer opposition being undertaken,  and publicly demonstrated , in numerous cities in various countries in Europe. Source One of the colleagues I network with emailed a detailed synopsis of what’s been going on in the EU, which apparently is not being covered nor journalistically reported by the mainstream media in the USA. Since the information I cite below came on an email string, I assume it is to be considered open access and in that open access spirit I want to inform my readers about what’s going on but, more importantly, to take note of it. Activism to oppose 5G  with its refrigerator-...

Image JULY 21, 2018 BY MESHEEKATLAN HERE IS A PREVIEW TO: July 23th 2018   By Jairo Bonilla Quintero Author of            At this very moment scientific developments are already in the works, prolonging life naturally is not a thing of the distant future, these rare technologies are being developed in the now! Even as I sit here and write, some of this natural medicine is already being put to good use and soon everyone meaning the general public will all have access to these kinds of medical advancements and other beneficial suppressed technology that is being deliberately hidden from the masses hidden in plain-view. However, some of us are born with telescopes and microscopes for eyes, metaphorically speaking and such is the case with Emery and Benjamin in that they see the whole scope of things and strive for what is beneficial to the whole group an...

New Post for the Friday 20th of July 2018

July 20th 2018 By Jairo Bonilla Quintero Author of At this very moment scientific developments are already in the works, prolonging life naturally is not a thing of the distant future, these rare technologies are being developed in the now! Even as I sit here and write, some of this natural medicine is already being put to good use and soon everyone meaning the general public will all have access to these kinds of medical advancements and other beneficial suppressed technology that is being deliberately hidden from the masses hidden in plain-view. However, some of us are born with telescopes and microscopes for eyes, metaphorically speaking and such is the case with Emery and Benjamin in that they see the whole scope of things and strive for what is beneficial to the whole group and not only for the self.                     ...



Benjamin Fulford Talks: The Council of Europe Redux. Interview July 4, 2018 with Prepare for Change July 6, 2018   by  Megan Edwards On the Fourth of July 2018,  spoke for a fifth time in this series of 2018 interviews with Benjamin Fulford. Benjamin suggests that it’s about time that the  USA  declare its independence,  he talks about the slow train wreck of the economies of Italy and southern Europe,  he mentions how the public  is distracted from big issues with celebrity news,  and he reminds us that recently, many bad guys have been taken down. Benjamin Fulford continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity. This interview is about  50  minutes long and we hope you enjoy it. Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford… and turn our world into a wonderful place! The transcript will be posted when it is avai...

By  Benjamin Fulford The criminal cabal that has been ruling the planet earth is being systematically removed from power, with the latest being regime change in Mexico and soon the EU.  Furthermore, the power struggle in Washington D.C. is definitely being won by the good guys. Also, apparently some real disclosure is occurring about both the Roswell “UFO” incident and anti-gravity technology.  The two links below were sent to us by Japanese military intelligence and they say they are genuine (although this is not an area in which this writer has much expertise).  One appears to be a patent application for an anti-gravity craft, while the other claims to be a top-secret document stating that alien bodies and alien spacecraft really were recovered by the U.S. government.  We leave it to experts to determine if they are real.  If they are, though, it won’t be long before flying saucers appear in the showrooms. http://d3adcc0j...