TweetSignup Translated by My thanks to Priscila Inocêncio who provided me with the notes of the Cobra conference held in São Paulo (Brazil) on December 1 and 2, 2018 at the site. Only some terms have been corrected and some links have been added that go into the various subjects. For those unfamiliar with The Event (the upcoming planetary changes), this is a good article to read with due attention and those who feel guided, should share it! Let’s now go to the notes as narrated by Priscilla Innocent. Hello, dear Journey companions! I had the privilege of attending the Cobra Ascension conference and produced a report with my notes and insights to share. Following is the information for the two days of the conference. I put all the exercises he went through for contract cancellation, implant removal and demonstration. Remember that the information is being passed from the point of view of my understanding, this is an important point he (Cobra) asked to highlight when sharing. At first he talked about the galactic super-wave and the galactic alignment! Well at the beginning of Saturday, day 1, as I was very excited I wrote very little (rsrs) but I will leave the links on these two points for those who have not read, for an update read here: A window of ascension was opened in 1975 and goes until 2025. We are about to have a synchronization between the galactic pulse and the galactic super wave that comes from the central sun and this super galactic wave that in the past destroyed Atlantis, this is what we now call the Event! The light forces with their ships are here in Earth’s orbit to lessen the impact on earth that will occur with the galactic pulse along with the galactic super-wave. Everyone who is incarnated has 5 layers of programming: The first, you receive when you come to Earth for the first time.The second receives the incarnation.The third comes from the parents.The fourth comes from the schools.And the fifth comes from the media. The New Atlantis Project. He explained that the new Atlantis Project is a project of the light forces for the liberation of the planet and that Brazil has a strong connection with Atlantis, because there is a very large vortex. The old equator line in the Atlantis era passed through São Paulo and that was one of the reasons the conference was here. The Project aims to bring a great network of light to the planet. Saint Germain instructed the Cobra to make a network of Tachyon chambers and these chambers are bringing Pleiadian energy into the Earth grid network. He explained that it is important to plant the cintamani stones to extend this network of light! There are cintamani stones planted in various parts of the world, in Antarctica and even in the oceans! It is already possible to feel a tangible effect- In Beijing (China), for example they were planted as a flower of life (Lotus) and there has already been an improvement in city air quality. It is a living network of light in the form of sacred geometry, which cleans all the plasma and brings light and will help to strengthen the event. The points of entry for the mother ships will be where Cintamani stones are planted. When one is planted, a huge Angel anchors and creates a vortex of energy that may have a diameter of 20 to 30 miles. They come from Sirius and are intended to awaken all mankind. Saint Germain when incarnated as Francis Bacon published the book called New Atlantis and described the vision of how the golden age would be. While incarnate as Count, Saint Germain opened a secret school of mysteries in Paris that was connected with 3 Masonic lodges. Benjamin Franklin was a member of one of these stores and was influenced in the proclamation process of the Republic of America. The dark forces still have a detection system for any space ship and that is why the first contact has not yet happened. Mass meditations are important because it brings us closer to the event, reaches the critical mass and accelerates this process effectively. We have been living for 25,000 years of programming, the forces of darkness have taken 25,000 to build the Matrix and we are  deconstructing it in much less time.  The Agharta Network is very active and they are creating the shrines of the Goddess! There is a lot of activity under our feet. (note of the author of this site: when the population discover that the Earth is hollow and inhabited by humans much more evolved that are helping us …) Project Contact dish It’s a project brought by the forces of light into this new Gamma timeline. There were many changes in the timeline this year, we were under the alpha timeline, but after the death of Isis Astara, we entered the Gamma timeline. It is very safe and stable and involves a direct intervention of the forces of light. All those who own a private property with a good dry land space where they could land a ship can participate in this project. You can give permission for this landing, but it is very important that you do not tell anyone. You being the sole owner of this land, you can invite any being to land, but it is very important to keep the secret, because if anyone knows, his land will be discarded. The details are in this article:


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