December 19, 2018

My reaction to the latest interview conducted with Benjamin Fulford on December 13th of last week.

Let me start by mentioning I am one of those Volunteers that just cannot wait to hear the next post or interview because there is always Positive Change, progress mentioned filled with positivism wrapped up with the sharp wit of the cast and crew conducting every interview.

The most significant thing Benjamin Fulford mentions in my opinion, are two things, the take of power and the immanent positive change that is to occur very soon as well as the inevitable arrest that are to take place soon for those who hold powerful positions of authority and have abused that power. The nearly one-hour long Interview with Benjamin Fulford was one of the best I have heard.  If you don’t know Benjamin this man is one of the leading voices along with in campaign for a better tomorrow, how exactly? In the unveiling and exposing the dark secrets our Government keeps from the masses.  That was the whole point of the meeting to discuss how the powers that be, are slowly losing their grip of control, cover-ups & cronyism days of corruption are soon to end Benjamin adds, insiders say those indictments we’ve all been hearing about are set to be in motion as early as the beginning of January which is only weeks away. 

The interview was so interesting, and all so true! For those of us who keep up with the facts and the news know very soon the Democrats will have control of the House meaning they have majority of the House and hopefully can avoid a shut down as they will have control when the switch of power goes over from the Republicans to the Democrats who can hopefully overturn and dismantle the wrong-doing in the White House can finally be corrected after an going on three years of unrest in this Country due to the Leadership coming from Washington or lack-there-of. 

He goes further to explain how the public announcement of Bush 1st funeral ceremony is the sing of the end of a rain of power is over for the Bush’s which he goes further to explains that when you’re talking about the Bush family your talking about the Rothchild’s which he adds are actually the one’s  responsible for 911 as well as other atrocities committed by their hands that qualify as crimes onto Humanity.

In closing this all sounds very exciting and I cannot wait for everything to get a little better not necessarily for me because I am fine but there is real suffrage in the world that is actually unnecessary and suffrage on a scale of war and famine that can all be put to a stop and corrected if we as Humanity got our act together I mean the world leaders are doing everything but that leading. 

I can still remember 4000 years ago when the Aztec walk this side of the hemisphere along with the many groups of people who are wrongly called tribes we had real society back then no disease no famine no wars no religious dogma to clutter our consciousness and contort our souls back then we knew who we were, we were one with the source, we must return to that essence of oneness only then can we heal the whole Earth it starts with healing yourself first by loving your self only then can you really love another.

  I am happy to report  the two orphanages which I fund are doing a little better than when I first meet approximately six months ago, one Orphanage has over 800 Orphans all of which will have a better Christmas this year, I invite you to continue to support and their wonderful efforts of changing the world one person at a time, if it were not for them I would not be doing this type of Humanitarian and Philanthropy, my gratitude is with you. With love and light from the one True Ultimate Creator which emanates from the Center of our Central Galaxy & Pleroma

 Authored name &   by: Jairo Bonilla Quintero

Benjamin Fulford Interview: Ding Dong the Sherff is dead, Military Tribunals are now ahead! – 13th Dec 2018 – Prepare For Change

Benjamin Fulford - Interview 13-12-18

King Pin Bush death signals critical cabal loss. Rothschilds add nail in their coffin? 3M Woes (Macron, May, Merkle). Upcoming US Senate Hearings

Today’s release recorded on the 13th December 2018, Prepare For Change continues its interview series with Benjamin Fulford.
In this episode, we discuss the recent “official” death of Bush Snr AKA Scherff, the notes that where given to the bad guys at the funeral telling them the game is up, discussing China and how they’re involved with the Clintons and the recent “suicide” of top scientist there.
We further discuss how things are heating up in America and that January is looking to be crunch time for the mass arrests and military tribunals. We also touch on the fact that the Rothschilds are selling their Trust business, something that the family has had for over 145 years!
Things are continuing to heat up and so much is happening it’s difficult to keep on top of all these changes in the background.

Benjamin Fulford Continues to Work to Liberate the Planet

Benjamin Fulford continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity.
This interview is about 50 minutes long and we hope you enjoy it.
Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford… and turn our world into a wonderful place!

Please Consider Donating

We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to support about  460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.
Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.
For previous interviews Benjamin Fulford interviews in 2018


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