Christmas Dinner Closing The Year 2018 Welcoming The New year 2019 With The Bonilla's

Starting from left to right, standing with the one and only boy in the picture stands my baby boy Jose Antonio Bonilla standing with Mother Vandana shot for Vandy- to her left stands her sister in law Katherine, next standing to the left, is Ana Quintero my mother and host of the Christmas dinner Party. To the left of her stands my cousin Lilith Lado short for Lily standing to her left is her childhood insuperable  cousin  Leslie my sister  

here is from left to right Jairo, Aldo and Carlos Bonilla AKA the Bonilla Brothers &
the two ladies are Mother Ana Quintero and next to her is her younger sister Lola Lado

 standing in the white shirt is myself Jairo Bonilla Quintero  my brother Aldo, and our younger brother Carlos Bonilla standing wearing black is my sister Kimberly to her left stands our Mother Ana Quintero and finally there stands Leslie my youngest Sister

 from left to right sits Adriana to her left sits her Mother Katherine followed by her youngest daughter Victoria and twin brother Max, finally surrounded by his son and daughter Carlos Bonilla Jr holds his children.


Here stands three Bothers
Carlos aka Charlie Aldo Jairo Bonilla Quintero Me.
                                    here stands my self in white with my Bother Carlos and my Mother

 Sitting in the back ground is my eldest daughter Ria Bonilla her Brother in front  sits Jairo Bonilla Jr. to his right is Victoria as mentioned to his left is cousin Max and to his left is Aldo jr.and to his left sits Jose Antonio Bonilla.

Christmas Dinner 2018 the end 
Photography by Jairo Bonilla Quintero  


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