‘The Elemental Grace Alliance Rule One - Study Group Invitation’
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Blessings Dear Souls,

Djwhal Khul 10-day Rule 1 Study Group – Beginning on Saturday 8th September 2018
All Welcome – No Charge - Registrations being accepted now.

The Elemental Grace Alliance (EGA), is inviting all those who may like to participate in the September Group, for a 10-day Study opportunity of Rule 1 of the 14 Rules for Group Initiation, as set out by Djwhal Khul in The Rays and The Initiations by Alice Bailey(Copyright Renewed 2018, Lucas Trust).  

The success of this Rule Study over the past months, continues to encourage and inspire many to move forward in greater awareness of their Spiritual Development through the teachings of Brother DK.  This Study is Over Lighted and Guided by Master Djwhal Khul Himself, the Karmic Board of Directors and other Members of the Shamballa and the Hierarchy.

We would like to share some of DK’s thoughts here that underpin this Study opportunity, and which will help each person, who undertakes this particular Point of Focus for Group Study, along their continued Path of Initiation.

“I wish to encourage your creativity to attain your goals, to be mindful of the Vision and hold this Vision firmly within your Hearts and Minds.

“I will help you with your Group Endeavours, to rise in consciousness to go forth as a Divine Unity of Oneness, To Love and Serve All Beings while truly Comprehending and Understanding the Truth of Working as a Group within this New Golden Age.

“I will remind you constantly, to remember exactly what you are doing at all times. This is of major importance. To know why this is important is so that you register consciously and all the time, just exactly what you are doing. I would have you remember that right doing is the result of Being.

‘If your awareness of being is of a personality nature, so will be your activities and creations. If your consciousness is focused in Spiritual Being, Group Attainments, your spontaneous, creative and active Service will be consequently through this Radiation. Please ponder on this, for it has great value in its simplicity. Not easy to attain, but simple in words.”


It is simple! The EGA will provide the Study Material and Schedule for Study on an individual basis. It shall be a 10-day Study period that shall require around one hour per day whereby you simply say a Prayer to Invoke the Energies of the Day, Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. The Prayer and Invocation will be provided as a guideline, and you are free to create your own if you wish. The daily Lesson/Study shall be sent to you, which you then write in a notebook, it is no more than a page and half of text from the DK/Alice Bailey text from the Book - The Rays and Initiations. We then suggest that you contemplate the daily Study and/or make notes, so that you may share your experiences within an online Group Environment. There are Dear Souls who will Guide the program to offer any support required throughout the process.

The Study is free of charge and based on “for educational purposes only”.  However, if you wish to make a kind donation as part of the Exchange of Energies, then your voluntary gift toward the EGA non-profit administration activities, will always be gratefully and graciously received.

Simply click the link provided here or the Button below and you will be taken to the Rule 1 Registration Study page on the Elemental Grace Alliance website, which gives you access to the Application Form and further information.  Simply follow the instruction there and submit the Application before the close of 11th August, 2018.

After the receipt of your Application your name will be registered for the September Group.

During the 4 weeks prior to the start of the Study on the 8th September, we shall be forwarding a number of supporting information that will most definitely help you in your preparations that will assist you in a deepening awareness and understanding of Divine Will and Divine Purpose.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to provide further clarity for you if needed.

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To help the Elemental Grace Alliance to continue to provide its information and Services free of any charges or fees, your kind and generous donations, gratuities or sponsorships, would be Gratefully and Loving Appreciated.  Thank you for your Heart Felt consideration.
God Bless You!

Rule 1 Study InvitationA01 Rule 1 Study Guidance.pdfA04 Spiritual Commissions for The Rule 1 Study Group DK 8th May 2018.pdfA03 El Morya 49 Shades of Grey  2nd May 2018.pdfA02 Djwhal Khul Introduction for the Disciples Rule 1 Study.pdf

Rule 1 of the 14 Rules for Group Initiation Trial Study Group
With Djwhal Khul  
All Rule Texts are from the Book - “Rays and Initiations” by

Rule 1 Study Group Beginning 8th September, 2018      
Please Note:- Applications close on the 11th August, 2018


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