♡ Prepare For Change - Donations Request - August 2018 ♡


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6:56 AM (5 hours ago)
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Urgent Donations Request
Dear Jairo H Bonilla (Tonatiuh)
September is soon upon us and this is the time of fresh starts for all that attend school, no matter how corrupt the system is, every child deserves an opportunity to have an education. Being literate is probably the most underrated skill we all possess.
Even in Africa, children need to attend school, without an education they will surely suffer in later life. More so than they already do! is the proud founder and primary source of funding for Nova Gaia Ophanage, Malawi, Africa. More on this wonderful project can be found: HERE HERE
Keyason, the minister who runs the orphanage has been valiant in his efforts to ensure all the children of the orphanage attend school. He knows the value of education and the word of God/Creator. It's by far the strongest gift he gives these children beyond providing the basic needs of food, shelter, medicine and protection.
A book to us might sound inexpensive, yet in Africa, it's an expensive necessity.
As is the cost of the education since school isn't free!
Multiply these costs by 400+ and you'll soon realise how important a task it is and how difficult and stressful to manage!
"I thank Almighty God for giving us the support of note book's to supply to orphans. Thank God for this. Volunteer sharing to orphans. Please note that we are still local
Keyason Manjolo"
Food, Shelter and Bedding
Keyason continues to request that we help even more, as he's struggling to provide the basics that everyone should have.
Although, he's managed through your donations over the years to build many buildings to provide shelter.
He simply doesn't have enough mattresses, far too many children are having to sleep on the floor. There simply isn't enough mattresses to go around...
It breaks our hearts to hear of such updates, ones where we could only wish there was more we could do! Some of us, already donate ourselves fulltime to this mission, but time doesn't buy books or mattresses.
We're all very aware of the costs of living, even in the western world we're struggling daily. The establishment has milked the vast majority of us dry, in Africa, it's worse. They've taken all their resources and given them nothing in return.
That's why we do what we do because we're honest, loving and decent. We only want to see everyone have a chance at life, to not fear one day to the next, this is not God/Creator's will.
We wanted to update you all on the real struggles they face and we face trying to provide support. Whether that's the information on our websites or the provisions for Malawi, we're 'doing' daily...
If you can spare some valuable resources to help these more unfortunate than us, then we please we politely, respectfully and humbly ask that you donate to us today.
Victory of the Light

Prepare For Change Foundation, 1441 Huntington Drive # 1110, 91030, South Pasadena, United States
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