Of Meshekatlan’s Mission To Uganda Africa by Author Jairo Bonilla Humanitarian & Sponsor Of The Following Orphanages located in the State of Uganda in Africa http://meshekatlan@wordpress.com August 8, 2018 2nd Mission to Uganda so far has been a success as David tells me that the children are going back to school and will be able to continue their scholastics achievements. Something we take for granted in the States, here we just call it School. News of his children going back to school was good to hear. This of course was possible only with the dedication of Mr. and Mrs. Bonilla in the simple fact that we are the orphanage’s prime sponsors as well as the Authors of this letter and blog post. http://mesheekatlan.blogspot.com/ David Mukasa and his Orphanage described the feeling of happiness as overwhelming to me, indeed it as for David, I witnessed it, as he was receiving the funds that were much needed and serve of much use to them. He in fact wrote me in a very emotionally charge letter expressing his happiness, gratefulness and appreciativeness to which I received very warmly and reciprocally endearing moments of solace to know these young indefensible children which at last will benefit from these funds undoubtedly as David describes to me. At the bottom of this account/essay I will Post the notes/thank you note from Mr. David Mukasa. To amplify this situation even more David became even more exceedingly happy when I mention to him that I will be sending him Aid Packages; such as boxes containing clothing, electronics such as a computer laptop as well as a phone or I pad, which I have in my person and awaiting the corresponding dates in which to send the Packages to either Orphanages which I support. The location is actually a few stops from my location Via train, they have specified dates according to the Archdiocese I am in collaboration with as they have already informed me when those dates are and aid will be on the way. This humanitarian, religious center is not limited to me alone in fact they do service the entire community at large, few people know about them, I just happen to know about them because I am actively working as a humanitarian and research the field immensely. Such is the case that I am a profound research of many fields and this connection in particular, of an archdiocese as well as a religious center, undoubtedly happens to be the most helpful connection with regard to humanitarian efforts of my own, if indeed in fact I am able to send my package through the currier service. Part of the work as humanitarian, is to do the footwork and as a matter of fact between me and my wife we were able to ascertain, pinpoint a number of locations that actually to send part of Africa where my two friends orphanages are located, mainly Uganda Africa Kampala. The archdiocese of New York City is directly affiliated to the Pope in Rome, correspondently, intern they run a branch here in New York City, my hometown as such I have already contacted them and they assured me that they will be giving me a list of days that they send overseas refuge packages including raw goods. David became even more ecstatic when I assured him that I will be able to send him a computer for at least an IPad so that is able to take pictures documentation of the occurrences that are befalling his life at the present moment, and how True Change is occurring all around him thanks to Jairo Bonilla Promoter and volunteer of Prepareforchange.net. I do feel compassionate to help and if I have the capacity to do so, I can and will. All it takes is know how a bit of effort some investigative feats and you too can be a humanitarian working to help the poor of the poorest and make this world a better place one Orphanage at a time. Furthermore & in conclusion, my efforts with the first orphanage which I have mention, namely “Magulu Ministry of hop,” in previous; posts, writings-accounts and essays, my help to Mr. Issa’s Orphanage also in Uganda has never stop as I am also in collaboration as well as funding them with support Western Union Instalment with intern Issa Magulu feeds up to 35 children and 13 elders. I as well have seen him distributing and sending goods, funds to his neighbors and people he cares for, so that they are able to get food and water and basic necessities, together we are caring for 440 people in need. By Author Jairo Bonilla Quintero Meshekatlan@wordpress.com Here are the messages from David Mukasa after having received more funding from myself in support of the Children of his Orphanage am happy to inform you that some of the children have gone to schools to sit for their end of second academic Term Exams Second Academic Term with your support. Now tying here and their for others but still in vain Second Academic Term with your support. Now tying here and their for others but still in vain Thank you you,you,you,you,you,you so much my Brother. Children have lost all the tears in their eys and i have taken long to see greatest happiness and excitement as I am seeing today from these orphans hearing they are going to sit their exams next week 1 All is excitement and greatest happiness down here and Thank you so much. I have successfully picked the funds from Western Union total mounting to UG.shs. 182000 I am going to distribute the money to cater for four total orphans for tuition fees strictly If you wish to help these less fortunate ones get in contact with me by Email we accept donations, your support is appreciated Jairo Bonilla Quinitero Author of Meshekatlan@wordpress.com Email Jayom88@gmail.com


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