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D e c r e e t o s p e e d u p T h e E v e n t.
I call upon the Highest aspect of my I AM
presence, to send a heartfelt clarion call
to Source and the Pleroma/Galactic Central
As part of the collective of the 144,000
starseeds on Liberation Earth mission, I
command and decree action be taken to
speed up the phrase transition Event, and
trigger it as soon as is possible.
As a starseed on Earth, I now decree from
my heart-center my readiness to graduate
to a higher dimension of Love, Joy, Peace
and Abundance, on the most positive
timeline for all beings in the Multiverse.
Collectively we ask Source to speed up the
activation of Operation Phoenix by the
Light Forces and to assist in removing all
negative energies, entities, exotic
weaponry and dark beings from all planes
of existence, thus ending the planetary
occupation of Earth by dark forces
I ask for this transition to happen as
swiftly and peacefully as possible,
freeing all beings and shifting us into
the Golden Age of the New Atlantis.
I ask to manifest a world with an
abundance of Freedom, Joy, Food, Water,
Health, Wealth of all kinds for everyone.
I ask to manifest the release of free-
energy devices, medical devices and all
suppressed technologies, to assist
I ask to manifest First Contact, to become
part of the Galactic Confederation and
take our rightful place as a space-faring
I ask to be reunited with my Soul Family
and brothers and sisters, Ancestors of the
With deep gratitude, I ask that all
requests be answered swiftly.
So be It, and so it is, I AM
-Jairo Bonilla

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