We’ve done it!
We've achieved the seemingly Impossible!
What a long and perilous journey we've endured
We finally realized our true power and gifts!
The world that awaits us is beyond our
comprehension right now!
We've made sacrifices, lost people, cried so many tears…
It's nearly over and the sun shines so brilliantly upon us with great love…
The cosmos smiles big and wide at each of you and your accomplishments here
Your children and their children and their children will thank you for standing up at this important time
They will say: “thank you for creating a beautiful world for us”
You’re a hero! A galactic veteran! A being worthy of the highest honor!
Even the Klingons would feel obligated to bow their heads to you!
The hero's journey is nearly finished playing out…
The time has come to close the book on the last chapter of the Galactic wars and duality for ever…
The time for celebration is close! Ready the confetti!
Your Galactic brother and sisters miss you dearly!
Victory Of the light!
Victoria de la luz!
Jairo Bonilla
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