My father bought my first pair of Nunchaku was when i was thirteen year old as a birthday gift I had requested of him, so i have had plenty of practice time. these things are dangerous people! and should not be taken lightly and or this weapon should not be taken underestimated. this is a weapon ladies and gentlemen and this should only be in your hands if you are a professional, this is a Weapon! thus then should not be in the hands of Small Children! Warning:Do not try this at home! ;-) Children Don’t Repeat This At Home! that is why they mass-produced, “the Soft ones,” in China, then, are imported straight into the U.S. Known as the Soft-one, Included with padding, a plastic children’s version is available in China Town NYC; respectfully, which was where I got my first pair of Nun chucks more than twenty years ago. This is a weapon and should not be in your hands unless you are someone like me who knows how to use this weapon without cracking your head open at the cause of a miscalculated swing, again i have had time over time and i’ve acquired experience swinging these things around. Truthfully, speaking i must add that in the many years of having have this weapon, i have never had to use it! to defend myself! or to use them against and individual, or any person in general. a peaceful warrior of light am i. for me this is Art-Form, i am and have always advocated for non–violence and have practiced non–violent behavior all my life. i practice and engage in many Art-forms. this is just one of the many art-forms i have stored in a arsenal of skills i hone within me and these here are “weapons of mass creation,” to borrow an expression going around. Of-course it is very-well you guest it! Bruce Lee is who initiated my interest in this weapon… surly like many America who have seen his films, and enjoy the Legend of his Legacy he was nonviolent! Though he made films and stard in films with Violence, Bruce Lee was an advocate for a Peacful life and nonviolence, if you have ever read his material which I have, extensively not just his movie there is witing on this man. Who was kill By Hollywood. What a shame. In conclusion to this note i only use Nunchaku for practice and workout use only. Respectively, these Two Little Sticks banded together with and by a metallic-chain, in my case, i actually built, this particular pair i am swinging around in this particular Video for Youtube video


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