Jairo Bonilla on fatherhood
March 29, 2018
For my own reflection and personal intuition I am beginning to document as well as to journal the many events transpiring in my life. I am now at the end of ten years of experiencing learning the inns and outs when it comes to fatherhood, of experiencing many thing, like learning to become a good father, though more than anything, it is described and feels like to me at least, as the most exhilarating juncture in my life where I find myself completely resolved in every single way. One’s children can do this and have this affect on a parent due to the integrity you bestow your children with, also, as it is parents that need their children as much as their children need their parents. “Raising children can be difficult;” they say “it is the hardest job in the world.” In my point of view it is not a job, in fact, it is more like a responsibility that you commit to as soon as you as a man have joined with a Woman and created a child from ‘the’ nothing, into love and there goes the circle of life all over again, life is a delicate flower one must keep a balance of light and love to make our gardens grow. By four of five, depending where in the states you live it is mandatory to requester them in school. Then when they go to kindergarten the teachers get all the credit for their natural genius, in the fact that they are so called. ‘Teaching them’ you as a parent, are hung to dry for a while. The teachers are credited for being the prime example in their life instead of your-self as the parent and this is an utter confusion needing to be corrected. Ever hear a teacher utter these words, “From 9:00am to 3:00mp I am your Mother.” It has been my experience that the City pins the Teachers against the Board of education and they in turn push back on the parents of the very students they profess to love and Teach, more need to be corrected in the Board of education, there is many mistakes in historical perspectives in Cultural Perspective. Countless things have been misprinted, altered, and misrepresented purposefully to contaminate the truth of this grate Continent of North America and it beauties and wonders that the original inhabitants have keeps and flourished till the introduction of the European man to the so called new world, which in point of fact it is new but only to them the foreigner. Our children need to know their history for a people who do not know their own history, thus are bound to repeat it.
This is in no way shape or form to belittle or diminish any teacher or educator, I know there are good teachers out there, this is not directed to any teacher, I love all my educator friends, and have had many teacher friends over the years, the bone I a picking here, is with the Board of Education which is a far cry from what they call themselves, nothing more than a business just as any other Govt. institution. Because it is our children that give us the parents that blue form depending on what state you live in the US, the colors vary but the incentive remains the same and in point of fact, a contract hidden in the form of ‘A Lunch Form,’ Mom and Dad fills out, is such a cleverly way to generates the money, monies and other assets all generated from the SS number your child and mine obtain or are assigned to at birth as all US citizens are.
By Meshekatlan 

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