The censorship of Facebooks has spread far and wide. For years Americans have accepted and fallen into place sort of speak – while turning a blind eye to the increased censorship and now new exploitation tactics implemented by Facebook Inc. We, as well as all of the people of the world should be aware of the pure technocracy used against us by the corporate media and now Facebook users fall victim to more of the same tyrannical oppression, this article covers this in great extent. As citizens we should be well informed with regard to those freedoms and rights Facebook is now challenging. If you look up Facebook on Wikipedia you’ll find that this web-site was launch in 2004 out of California by Mark Zuckerberg along with a few others. It also listed as a none for profit. Since it’s launch an application like Facebook can be found in ever home around the world in it’s many social network platforms and application. An end to technocratic oppression and corporate tyranny of the masses


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