What is happened to America The beautiful?

a href="https://youtu.be/ozQeH81IS6Y?si=RwL_kxWZeeIZ3g4D"> It's happening again! Four more years of witnessing Potus terrorize my people! Migrants. In his first administration he ordered border control to separate parents from their children while holding them separately in cages like animals! Four more years of seeing America The Beautiful, become an ugly nightmare for especially for but not limited to Mexicans, Central, and south Americans, among others from around the world, who believe they had a chance at this, So Called "American Dream." The nightmare has begun for more people than one can imagine, the raids have started with I.C.E raids in the form of the president's purge ! of what he considers to be, “people who have poisoned the blood of America.” So that I am not misunderstood, I don't propose that we allow lawless individuals who are violent offenders and who are true crime perpetrators, set free or to not be targeted for deportation. No! of course not. I do not advocate that we stop deportation. Deportations happen everyday Immigration neutralization services and enforcement works year around & it’s happening twenty four seven. What the Commander and chief is doing with immigrants at the border, is to terrorize people utterly and indiscriminately, just as he did, last time he ruled the White House and it’s happening again. The Commander and chief proposes to add massive cuts to Federal programs that were already approved by congress in order to fund the Govt. The Commander proposes to cut Health Care, to get rid of Head start, to de fund the police and Fire Department as well as to cut off V.A benefits, to cut assisted living benefits, to cut out Snap, and Elder care as well. The cuts are in the billions! It seems it's too much to bear for one Cuban American Top CNN Anchor Jim Acosta Quits. About a year ago I have so called “cut the cord,” that is to say. I have cut the cable cord to the TV, meaning I don't consume legacy news anymore. MSNBC CNN FOX Check out this MeidasTouch channel on YouTube & Network. Like this channel, there are many independent alternative news Channels & Outlets which have been emerging in the last years & decade, absolutely! Due to the fact that Mexican American people like myself, furthermore including all Americans at large can see clear as day and right as rain. Today’s main stream news, is not informing us, it is programing us. TV programs are telling us what to think, what to eat, what to shop, who to vote for, who to love, who to hate, what sports team to like and dislike and to top it all off, the News is not informational, it’s another simple form of programing. -Amy Goodman – Democracy Now MNN tv channel in NYC and on YouTube -The Thom Hartmann Program MNN tv channel in NYC and on YouTube - Brian Tyler Cohen’s YouTube channel as well as the above mentioned None traditional News media channels aggressively cover the unjust corrupt actions big govt. along with the corporate elite in day to day coverage of actions and events that affect all Americans and abroad. If it was not for these channels of information I would not be watching any news whatsoever, personally I think these are what the public needs, again I really appreciate these channel barbecue they are simply exploding with true coverage of real life day to day events. *The age of truth telling has begun ! I believe there is an interview with former American President Joe R. Biden on The MeidasTouch's YT channel which suggest mass coverage, mass attention. These alternative new news media channels who are gaining mass attention and coverage emerge out of a dry and unfertilized ground of dry lies we in the 2000s remember and called misinformation, then later on it was called disinformation, finally & later turned into fake news! Around 2010 This term was hijacked by Potus, in his first presidential administration back in 2016, as this was a very popular term at the time, thus today, young people can’t differentiate between the Terms “fake news” and the real fake news. Conclusively, for the better part of the past decade, fake news has been at the forefront leading us the public to dead ends. These are examples of Misguided approaches to mislead the public. It’s the blind leading the blind so as to cause pandemonium so that we the public can be easily ruled by fear. This presents a challenge for truth seekers, The YouTube channels mentioned above, are putting up quite an effort against the disinformation presented by the legacy news media outlets, meaning the traditional TV cable News. Which is the reasons, these so called “Major New Networks or legacy media channels,” have lost viewers and thus as those same viewers are picking up on the raw news networks aka social media, or none traditional form of “New” News networks. There is truth out there on the internet & other airway which have accurate information, it’s just your willingness to find it! that makes the difference. By J.B.Q


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