April 11, 2019
In this latest Episode hosted guest
speaker & Journalist Benjamin Fulford, their interview really dives deep
into the thick of it! In dealing with the interwoven dynamics effects of world
affairs & planetary restructuring from all fronts, financial, economical,
social and social political restructuring that must occur within all of the Governments
of the world, according to inside sources various efforts independent of Governmental
tentacles are already in the works, one example of this is, “Banco Azteca,” translation
in English is “Bank of Azteca,” of the Federal District in Mexico City lead by owner
and billionaire Carlos Slim. Together
what they would do, is to restructure by redistributing finances directly to
the people of the Nation of Mexico by using the telephone company Carlos Slim
has thrived on over the years and has grown to call part of his billionaire
In fact here is a
rich man who actually helps his people and if the idea can function in Mexico
then it can also work here in the United States but until the powers that be
remain, restructuring is a challenge, though I remain optimistic in the fact
that many indictments have been sealed and are supposed to be executed in the very
near future only then can we see this change we are all awaiting for and that
change will actually take into affect soon after this has come to pass. Here is
an article I found where a company based out of Europe back in 2011 voted Slim’s
Bank best in the nation and that has not changed in subsequent years and it
would very much seem Carlos Slim knows what he is doing and our commander and Chief
officer could learn a thing or two from this distinguished well seasoned entrepreneur. If you are interested in reading the review, it’s
in Spanish – Espanol - click on link
Most interesting of all in this most interesting interview
was how it all ended rather abruptly and not to the discredit or dismay of the
host Jimmy’s struggle to comprehend how much of a hack/attack his network was
experiencing because if you listen to the interview you hear a genuine attack taking
place which the whole team handled very well and regained control
of their broadcasting session.
In fact one cannot help but feel compelled for the
individuals exposed to such a shocking situation which further proves that this
sensitive information is under excessive censorship by the powers that be! By the
ruling elite! Upon hearing something
like this, it really does strike a chord in me as I cannot help it but to
experience the situation vicariously as similar things have happened to me
moreover, I know I am not alone along with every light-worker all light-warriors
& activists of all kind who in one way shape or form have been subject to similar
attacks yet we remain standing firm along with every great being in this community
of like-minded thinkers who create unity and spread positivity via the truth! & Only With The Love & Light Emanating From The One True Creator Who Emanates
at the Center of our Central Galaxy’s Central Sun Pleroma, Namaste.
By Jairo Bonilla Author
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