Tachyon Chambers: The Big Upside to Tiny Tachyons

graphic: moon and stars
Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light.   They have beneficial effects on the body, mind and spirit.

What are Tachyons?

Tachyons are tiny subatomic particles that travel faster than light. In recent years, tachyon chambers have become available.
You simply crawl into the chamber, lie down, relax, and receive into your body, mind and spirit the restorative benefits of these tiny particles.
“High energy cosmic rays enter this solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Some of these tachyons reach the surface of our planet through a hyperdimensional wormhole [created] with a quartz oscillator crystal aboard the Genesis II spacecraft. These tachyons can be utilized in our tachyon healing chamber that we have developed in cooperation with the Pleiadians. The tachyon chamber enables the arrival of tachyons from higher dimensions into physical matter.”
Tachyons are known to reverse entropy, so they reverse the breakdown of cells and have restorative effects.
There are now over 30 tachyon chambers worldwide available to the public.
graphic: a galaxy in the shape of a spiral
Our galaxy, a spiral

Japan Has A Lot of Tachyon Chambers

The website quoted above,, gives a list of where all the tachyon chambers are, around the world.
Interestingly, though it is not a huge country geographically (but about 126 million people, ranking number 10 in worldwide population),  Japan has the most tachyon chambers of any country.  Japan has 10 tachyon chambers available to the public.
Taiwan, China, and the United States each offer six tachyon chambers to the public.
Germany offers three tachyon chambers and Canada also offers three tachyon chambers.
There’s one in Australia.
There’s one in Vienna, the Czech Republic, one in Slovenia, one in Switzerland and recently, one has arrived in London.
Wouldn’t it be great to open some in Latin America? And how about in Africa?
graphic: stars on a black sky
Tachyons move faster than light.

Testimonials From Three Tachyon Chambers in the USA

There are testimonials on several websites that indicate various types of healing: from emotional healing to
spiritual healing to physical healing … and beyond.
Let’s take a look at what some people are saying about the tachyon chambers in the USA.
graphic: Hubble image, 2 galaxies
Two galaxies, a Hubble image

From the tachyon chamber north of San Francisco, California

A visitor to AgelessTachyon Center of Petaluma, California wrote the following:   “As you remember, my 4th session was amazing when I called in the 7 Sacred Flames of the Ascended Masters. That was when my consciousness and physicality moved in an upward manner along my spinal column up through the top of my head. I thought I was about ready to leave my body through my 7-8th chakra as I had begun doing the month before with my Astral travels for my nightly journeys to the Ascended Masters Etheric Spiritual Retreats.
“So I embraced this sensation ….however, I remained conscious of my time in the Tachyon chamber…and then I realized this upward sensation I was feeling along my spine was the elongation/repair of my bulging spinal discs and repair of my crushed T12 spinal area. It was wondrous. Prior to my Tachyon Healing Chamber healing sessions, I had been in frequent if not constant pain (as a result of several spinal fractures and injuries I have sustained since birth, through childhood and several car accidents and work place injuries).
“I was so amazed and joyous to be able to work in the hospital , without pain in both knees (bone on bone pain due to osteoarthritis secondary to knee injuries from prior injuries). I was so happy to be able to walk at a normal pace in the hospital and take my dog on 4 walks each day (I felt so good, I was taking my dog to work in the cooler winter months and be able to leave the dogs in my car so we could do our 3 hour commute time together along with 4 walks each day….I NEVER could do this much walking in the past 5 years. I had no pain and I did not need to wear braces or take any anti-inflammatory medications. It was so awesome! ”
This person was feeling so good she cleaned out her barn for several hours after her first four sessions and had a bit of a setback, but recent indications are she is back healing whatever the barn-cleaning created and is doing really well.
graphic: purple-ish stars on a black sky
Purple tachyons! Why not?

From the Tachyon Chamber in Virginia (about 150 miles southwest of Washington, DC)

A visitor to Tachyon Counseling of Waynesboro, Virginia wrote the following:
“I wanted to share with you my experiences after the 5 sessions in the beginning of this week. I feel that the energy is still actively working. I don’t know how to describe it but it has to do with my emotional and stress balance. I felt a big relieve during the sessions. At night I slept deeply. I find myself recharged at all levels. With a fresh view on the future, a feeling of everything is possible and a creative force for change.
“On the physical part I have a lot of energy and drove for 7 hours without stopping to get back home, without any feeling of tiredness. My twitching nerve is still acting up, but I can feel that the energy has not settled yet and I still expect improvement there. During the sessions I felt lifted out of my body and renewed in a very peaceful way. Physical aches and pains on scars from former surgeries were active and then faded away as the days went by. The Tachyon Counseling experience you offer is a real blessing for anyone who is willing to give it a try. I am Grateful for the experience.”
image: blue sparklies
Maybe tachyons are blue sometimes.

From the Tachyon Chamber near the Oregon Coast

A visitor to The Tachyon Portal of Scottsburg, Oregon wrote the following:
“As a medical researcher and practitioner of orthopedic massage, yoga and aromatherapy, I have experienced many different devices, methods and tools for accessing higher consciousness and I can confidently say that nothing I have encountered has connected me to source as intimately and powerfully as the Tachyon Chamber. Initially the feeling was one of increased gravity and a re-wiring of my mind which made me spin a bit. As soon as I left I began hearing a clear and immediate voice of higher-self, guides and source, coming through. The download of information was instant and strong. I knew with complete certainty that everything I heard was true, there was no doubt or second guessing.
“I now have a direct, clear connection to the source of all knowledge and can be guided by it where as before I simply followed synchronicity and asked for guidance to come through from others. This has been a powerful life changing experience and I know it is just the beginning. There is the potential to access telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and deep states of no mind presence. All of these experiences were enhanced in the days at the center. I knew what people were about to say and my inner guidance brought outside validation of the information that was given.”
graphic: dripping blue sparkles

Drink a Lot of Water!

There are things to be aware of with tachyon chambers. Drink a lot of water during your time while you are experiencing them, and for a few weeks afterward. The water will help with any light headaches you get.  Headaches can occur trom the detoxing process of the tachyons.  And because you will receive a big slug of energy when you use the tachyon chamber, you might have a little sleeplessness as you adjust to the energy.
Some people (maybe 20 or 30 percent of people) who are in a lot of pain and who use the tachyon chamber to relieve that pain, will have a bit of additional pain during the 24 hours after a session, due to an energetic operation occurring.  And then that pain will lift.
But everyone is different. Often, sleep patterns will  improve and deep sleep ensues.  People who are a bit depressed can find an energy uplift.  Situations that used to cause stress start feeling quite manageable.
graphic: art by josephine wall
Asleep in the tachyon chamber. (Art from”Dreaming in Color” by Josephine Wall)

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


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