Argentina’s music lovers alongside any and all the people of South America, have been most blessed and fortunate to have life-long distinguished Pianist and Virtuoso, Raúl di Blasio, who still performs till this day as all his listeners do marvel upon hearing this distinct musician reach the muses every time performing or listening to his music.
I, personally have followed and listen to his many musical performances and all of his complete musical repertoire. He, actually in many ways; happens to be a living, walking, talking, in the flesh, real-deal, modern-Mozart, native to South American namely Argentina.
In point of fact, Master Composer and Virtuoso, Raúl di Blasio, is very famous, anyone who has ever done a Google search for Raul di Blasio, an exemplary Latino musically oriented composer and figure in Argentina, would see and know the many wondrous as well as unique Melodies that have fascinated his audience for years, myself included and many others, as I am also his fan and a Pianist. He is actually an amazing composer and I can perform many if not all of his compositions, which is not meant to sound like an exaggeration still though I have down to memory most of these wonderful compositions and can perform at the very least the most popular works of his repertoire with much ease and have been since I was a child.
The very first Di Blasio piece, or compositional orchestration and or concerto body of work, I ever performed is called, “Piano,” the actual title to the name of the composition, what an amazing composition it is to perform and to listen to, which I often do so oftan.
Just as he I get to do both interchangeably and it is likened to a true joy as well as an ascending spiritual journey every time a Pianist or Musician enters that State of Mind where you find yourself at one with oneness itself and everything else simultaneously. Which is attainable performing or listening to an divinely inspired musical work.
Di Blasio's, “Piano” The Musical Piece, an orchestration for Piano written in the key of G major though, it can be transposed into any of the twelve-tone-scales or not limited to the seven infinite notes of glory which musicians everywhere, anywhere and at all times have been blessed by the musical Gods with these seven notes, as these seven notes hold the key to infinite creative musical potential which only gives more infinite potential to the maximal extent extendable within a musical possibility.
The muses.
What a delightful thought! It is brilliant to think about this! For any musician truly aspires to become an ascended assentation of what he or she is performing instantly. What an amazing thing! it is to ponder about the meaning of the muse. Or that place of pure divine unadulterated bliss from the point of view of a live long musician that I am.
Muses of music.
Which, is exactly where two of my favorite living composers and pianist namely, Raul De Blasio and Murray Parahia go to get their divine inspiration, which is also where all musicians go to get this divine inspiration, the ‘muses,’ where all musicians go to find that divine inspiration, or really any inspirationally fortified potential that will extend and expand one’s musical creational possibilities.
Meaning, when one is in the mist of creating with balanced notes, freedom of expression opening virtuosic crescendos maximizing all possibilities while remaining the overarching theme and melodic expressionism genteelly conveyed. That’s what it takes in order to be able to maintain a melody while sustaining and melodic overtone as well as being able to convey an any melody structure. The muses is where all musicians go to find the divine inspiration how do they get there I will discuss this next point bellow.
It takes years to get to the muses, as it takes years to be able to master any one of Di Blasio’s masterful works of musical genius others may call it source energy, or to be in oneness, which ever way you say it, beyond the shadow of a doubt indeed it really is very difficult to ascertain certain abilities, that will allow you to finally get there sort of speak as a musician, to get there, it really dose! takes an immense amount of energy as well as years and hours and dedication as well as practice it takes to get there.
Oneness with the Gods and Goddesses of the musical Muses.
All it takes is practice, after an extended and strenuous disciplined approach in the “Art of the Piano,” Or, what is known as, the discipline it requires to handle a three thousand pound instrument, I have had all my life in the approaching the fascinating instrument the piano really is, I find it very easy to get there easily now after so many years of being able to have the liberty of playing the piano whenever I want. In other words practice every day.
If you want to go to the muses, I should start by explaining, it's not a place for everyone, and not everyone can channel the muses while playing and instrumentation and it takes hard work and dedication to get there and there are many different ways to get to the muses, completely divinely inspired, particularly speaking and only dealing with the piano just like this and it is the same with anything that takes hard work and dedication, many people will say the same thing about any instrument, every one has heard the term or saying, “the energy that you put in you also get that same energy get out, what you put in is what you get out, what you reap is what you sow.”
By Pianist Jairo Bonilla
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