My ancestors named this The Tonalmachiotl, pronounced in English, Tó-nāl-mā-chi-ot.  Yes, with out the, “L” as there is no way to describe this sound TL makes together, in English.  The closest sound is the, “T” sound in English.  Translation Tonalmachiotl: Tó=our nalmachiotl=Father Sun, Literal translation:“Our Father Sun.” It is neither a calendar nor is it Mayan.  This megalith sculpture carved out by it’s people.
El Meshikha, or the Mexican people, The Tonalmachiotl, at it's very center and while observing the most central circle in this megalith, is contained the face of Tonatiuh, here can be observed the very first of a series of calendars carved by the Mayas, which is the only addition the Maya contributed to the Sun Stone, Tonalmachiotl, and it is very well the most important of the cleaners, the first one! Which is why it is erroneously called the Mayan Calendar.
In fact, there are many calendars contained here.  The Mexican people are the rightful creators of the Sun Stone Tonalmachiotl, The Aztec-Solar, crated by the modern Mexican man or woman, the true creators of this marvelous monument which contains, a series of various calendars which among many other things, it describes a host of numerous astrological events and proportions.
When to seed the earth and when to harvest. The marking, and plotting the four processions the sun and moon over Earth.
Winter-solstices, summer-solstices also equinox of summer and of winter.
The daily movement of the sun and moon as well the marking as every single Earth day of the year.
Also many, astronomical events as well as displays sequences and charts whole galaxy & constellations including the plotting and charting of every planet in our solar system, which are twelve, it is written in Nahuatl there for only a Nahuatl speaker can interpreted, decipher or read it.
NASA deceived us all, Pluto in fact remains to be a planet along with three other planets there is no mention of but in esoteric writing and in closely watched communities, circles and friends, I will believe my ancestors any day over any other.
By Jairo Bonilla


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