
What is happened to America The beautiful?

a href=""> It's happening again! Four more years of witnessing Potus terrorize my people! Migrants. In his first administration he ordered border control to separate parents from their children while holding them separately in cages like animals! Four more years of seeing America The Beautiful, become an ugly nightmare for especially for but not limited to Mexicans, Central, and south Americans, among others from around the world, who believe they had a chance at this, So Called "American Dream." The nightmare has begun for more people than one can imagine, the raids have started with I.C.E raids in the form of the president's purge ! of what he considers to be, “people who have poisoned the blood of America.” So that I am not misunderstood, I don't propose that we allow lawless individuals who are violent offenders and who are true crime perpetrators, set free or to not b...

The Reckoning Of America

                                   The Reckoning of America   A true change is on the horizon for American ideologies and their institutions far and wide.   In all fifty states this immanent change of heart is clearly palatable and beginning to take flight in what is set to be the greatest civil rights movement since the late sixties.   The Voting Rights Act of 1965 granted the right to vote for African American citizens.   This was right around the time my parents were born incidentally not that long ago.   I had high school teachers and mentors who were much older than fifty and they could clearly remember and were instrumental in recanting the amount of injustice people of color had to endure at the hands of their violent oppressor the American Government and its statures riddled in   white su...

Sunday, 4th of April 2020

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Skip to content Community Leaders Brief Time For Transition Home Resources Posts Translators Contact Community Leaders Brief Dear Community Leader, You have been given this brief to help you understand what is happening now regarding the closure of the banking system. We hope you will help maintain the calm and peace of your community during this short period of change. We encourage you to support those in positions of responsibility to help maintain the status quo in regard to the vital necessities of your local community. We expect that food, water, electricity, internet, gasoline, transportation and phone service will not be disrupted during this banking system changeover. Furthermore, this community leader brief has been created to help you understand what is now transpiring around the world. The people giving you this brief are part of a worldwide network that is dedicated to a peaceful transition to a transparent, worldwide financial system. Ta...