
Showing posts from October, 2018

Mission to Uganda

This is letter between me and Two Orphanage's as i am  delivering the good news that i've managed to connect them with the Fed Govt. In providing them with full time aid. This is very big news for me, and come Monday will be the start and i cannot be happier, check out this letter it's only  400 words but they are very meaningful to countless children who will begin to have perminent  funding and Aid thanks to me and my Wife and the City of New York 10-10-18 From Jairo To Mission Uganda Okay Council men-Rodriguez and Council-woman Ayala are willing to fund Each and Every one of your kids in respective Orphanages you run to shelter the young ones, help is on the way, just make sure you give me all the paperwork I will be asking of you in the future… same kinds of things I will be asking you for documentations, updates, certifications, and bills for their school and supplies, and bills for school fees, when they may ask of me from you make sure to have them, with o...

2018 10 hey YouTube check out my interpretation




Benjamin Fulford – Desperate Khazarian mafia is plotting fake alien invasion as Trump assassination fails October 3, 2018 by Edward Morgan ShareTweetSignup The Khazarian mafia is planning a fake alien invasion after their most recent attempt to assassinate U.S. President Donald Trump failed, say Pentagon and CIA sources.  The assassination attempt came in the form of a missile that was shot at Air Force One by an Israeli submarine, Pentagon sources say.  “Life imitates art, as the hunt for red October may mean Israeli and cabal submarines are sunk.  The October surprise may be bloody,” the sources add. It is now apparent that the Khazarian mafia pulled out all the stops to delay the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh in order to buy time for their assassination attempt.  Instead, their move is backfiring big time, as the Senate prepares to take legal action against the people making false accusations against Kavanaugh—something you can confir...

Fade 2 Black Jimmy Church Radio Show